
Divulgação Cultural

Conferência online | Towards recovery:digital capacity building in the Cultural Heritage sector | 3 – 4 jun.

Conferência online | Towards recovery:digital capacity building in the Cultural Heritage sector | 3 - 4 jun.

Europeana and Portugal put culture at the heart of Europe’s recovery in two-day Presidency event

On 3-4 June, Europeana will host an online event in association with Portugal’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union on the subject of building capacity for digital transformation of the cultural heritage sector. We want to make sure that the sector’s opportunities and challenges are part of the discussions on Europe’s future. Find out what it’s all about and how you can join in discussions, workshops and more.


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Concerto | Caravelas na BNP | 25 maio ’23 | 18h00

Concerto | Caravelas na BNP | 25 maio ’23 | 18h00

O Caravelas – Núcleo de Estudos da História da Música Luso-Brasileira (CESEM, NOVA FCSH), em parceria com o Centro de Musicologia de Penedo (Alagoas, Brasil), organiza um concerto no âmbito do Festival de Música de Penedo, que terá lugar em Portugal entre os dias 25 e 26 de maio.


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